GM Elbert Lowder
year old GM Elbert Lowder "visualizing"
Links to 56 Newspaper Articles written about Elbert Lowder:
5-03-2010 Lee County Star-Tribune - "Lee County Checkers: Elbert Lowder and Clint Pickard"
December 17, 2006 - The Sanford Herald - "Elbert Lowder - Obituary"
June 21, 2006 Article - Yahoo's AFP Worldwide - "Checkers champions see game as art, science and sport"
May 27, 2006 - News-Record -"State crowns checkers player"
May 19, 2006 - News-Record -"Every Move You Make, I'll Be Watching You"
May 2005 Issue of Our State Magazine - "A Checkered Past"
July 9, 1997 The Sanford Herald -"All the right moves"
1995 The Clarion-Ledger - "Checkers champ says love of game basis for success"
1993 GAYP National in Danville, VA - "Crowning Glory"
February 1989 Carolina Country Magazine - Official Publication of R.E.C.
July 7, 1984 Sanford News-Herald - Checker players eye state titles
October 13, 1983 Poughkeepsie Journal - Checker concentration
October 13, 1983 Poughkeepsie Journal (extra) - Checker concentration
July 20, 1983 The Sanford Herald - Name of the game not really the same
July 19, 1983 The Sanford Herald - Local man member of top team
July 15, 1983 The Clarion - Ledger - Players bank on checkered pasts
November 30, 1982 The Sanford News-Herald - Checkers anyone?
November 27, 1982 The Sanford News-Herald - Checkers players converge on Sanford for tournament
June 10, 1982 Suffolk Sun - Old game keeps pleasure on the move
July 17, 1981 - The Sanford News-Herald - “Checkers tourney to conclude today"
July 7, 1979 - The Virginian-Pilot Nation & World - Tri-State Tournament - "Checkerboard Kings Gather"
May 23, 1979 - Hattiesburg - AMERICAN "At Petal - "Checker giants clash for title"
April 7, 1979 - Sanford News-Herald - "Checkers champ to face toughest foe"
Nov 30, 1977 - Various Articles - (1977 National GAYP & Southeastern - Sanford)
Nov 30, 1977 - Sanford News-Herald - “Sanford checkers expert cops title” (1977 US National GAYP - Sanford)
Nov 27, 1977 - The Greensboro Daily News - Sanford Man's Checkers Play Wins A Crown
Nov 26, 1977 - The News and Observer - Game stopped in middle - Champ dubious of victory
Nov 26, 1977 - The Sanford News-Herald - Sanford Man Wins Title
Nov 26, 1977 - The Fayetteville Times - Sanford Man Is Checkers Champ
July 6, 1977 - The Greensboro Record - The Dueling's Hot And Heavy When The Weapons Are Checkers
July 17, 1976 - The Sanford News-Herald - “City hosts record-braking National Checkers Tourney”
July 17, 1976 - The Sanford News-Herald - “Briton wins match”
July 15, 1976 - The News and Observer - “Checker Players Never Get Bored - Checker Players Keep On Move”
1975 - The St. Petersburg Times - “A checkered career takes another jump”
December 1, 1975 - The Sanford Herald - “Southeastern Checker Tournament at Palomino Restaurant”
November 29, 1975 - The Sanford Herald - Duels hotly contested - “Crafty checkers pushers vie for title”
November 28, 1975 - The Sanford Herald - “Checkers masters are locked in duel”
July 6, 1975 - The Sanford Herald - “Lowder snares checkers title for the 13th time”
November 29, 1974 - The Sanford Herald - “It's your move!”
July 6, 1974 - The Sanford Herald - Finals in progress - Tournament nears end
July 5, 1974 - The Sanford Herald - Tar Heel checkers title is “prize”
August 22, 1973 The Washington Post - “Playing Checkers for 68 Years”
August 22, 1973 The Washington Post - “A Climate of boyish Fervor”
August 16, 1973 The Charlotte Observer -“N.C. Player To Help Yanks Jump British”
August 16, 1973 The Sanford Herald -“Sanford man ready for checkers tournament in England”
July 21, 1973 The News and Observer -“Yes We Have A Champion”
July 12, 1973 The News and Observer -“State Champion - Checkers is His Game”
July 7, 1973 The Charlotte Observer -“Checkers Champ Retains Crown Right Moves”
July 5, 1973 The Daily Independent -“Tournament Here - Checker Champ Has Competition”
May 31, 1972 The The Greensboro Daily News -“Checkers Champion Decided”
June 19, 1969 - Greensboro Daily News - “Checkers At Crossroads In Chatham And History”
July 26, 1968 - New Orleans Post - “Long Struggle - Checkers Champions Lock Horns Silently”